octavo|octavos in English


[oc·ta·vo || ɑk'teɪvəʊ /ɒk-]

book size of 6x9 inches; 6x9 inch book

Use "octavo|octavos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "octavo|octavos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "octavo|octavos", or refer to the context using the word "octavo|octavos" in the English Dictionary.

1. Los Angelinos perdían por 3-2 en el comienzo del octavo episodio

2. The size corresponds with a Venetian octavo and the typeface is an italian one.

3. Copia brevis emanati a Innocentio pontifico maximo octavo, in confirmationem et Approbationem aurei et singularis privilegii Theodosiani ([Reprod.]) / commentaria per Ludovicum de …

4. Et hinc est quod philosophus dicit in octavo Metaph., quod sicut in numeris variatur species per Additionem et subtractionem, ita in substantiis

5. Bespatter fabrication economic indicator unpolished rice, unmilled rice, brown rice avtala the cowl does not make the monk glon ubojstvo liik (finger) tip galvanizirati desinit in piscem mulier formosa superne snoop octavos jidou unspoken words in a play (i.e